AMBROSONICS, LLC Specializing in Custom Music Products, Electronics and Design Services!

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~ Patented Technologies 8,796,531, 7,601,908 and 7,115,810 with other Patents Pending

~ Pickup Director™ & Multi-Tonal Pickup Switching Systems

~ HD Audio Hybrid Analog/DSP-45 Pre-Amp Systems for Guitar, Bass or other instruments

~ Touch-5™ Programmable Touch Surface Technology for Wireless Control and Musical Instrument Operation

~ Sonic Glow POT’s, Volume & Tone Controls that Light Up

~ Multi-Tonal Guitars offering 23 to 225 Different Pickup Sounds

~ MP3 Recording Guitars with Built-In DSP & USB

~ Custom Electronic Products & Custom Modifications

~ Custom One 8″ Speaker Monitors designed for our Surround Sound Amplification Systems

Ambrosonics, LLC utilizes both new and proven technologies when approaching product design. Pickup Director™ and our Multi-Tonal Pickup Switching Systems are covered by US Patents 7,115,810 and 7,601,908 with other Patents Pending. Our Optical Passive Matrix Switching ensures the original sound quality of any guitar or bass pickups for true passive pickup sound.

High Definition Audio (HD) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) has had great success in the recording industry. AMBROSONICS now brings HD Audio and DSP into your guitar! Several unique and proprietary DSP technologies have been developed and designed into our Electric Guitar and Bass 24 Bit Pre Amps. Ambrosonics Acoustic Enhancement (AAE) processors and audio effects also complement the sound of Acoustic Instruments.

Digital Audio Connectivity is another specialty area pursued in the ever-ongoing quest for the best possible connection to modern day recording mediums. Keep it simple and easy to use…, let the technology do the work for you rather than you struggling to make the technology work.

Finally, MP3 Recording Guitars, Portable Audio Devices and New Polyphonic Amplification Applications are other corners of product design at Ambrosonics, LLC. These systems will revolutionize how studio and real-time live performance can be handled. In these cases, we are doing more than just the same old thing… we’re pushing the sonic envelope.

Technology is forever changing and when or how to use it tastefully in music systems and applications is something we’re proud to strive for and accomplish.

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